I am a young person looking for a way to express my views on the most topic issues. Even if you’re the most left or right winged person… EVER! Give me a shot. You never know, we might just agree on one or two things. I would say that my opinions could be be quite different there however nothing extreme!! Hope you enjoy my content and keep updated :)))

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Who runs the world is quite a broad question. No, Beyonce lovers, it definitely isn’t girls. More like old, rich white men who stand in the shadows pulling the strings from behind. During lockdown my aunty educated me on some of her favourite conspiracy’s theories. From Madeline McCann to the moon landing, she has a view on them all. At first, I was a bit unsure. Conspires have always seemed so farfetched and crazy but she actually made a lot of sense.  This one stuck with me particularly. Who is actually in charge of the world?

Many people may think of Tump or Putin, the two most powerful world leader. However, powerful leaders are much more likely to just be the puppets used for a much larger and more dangerous organisation.

Maybe when you think of influential people you think of Rupert Murdoc, Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. All extremely wealthy men who have a significant slice of the worlds market at their fingertips and could easy push their own propaganda on to their customers. However, they don’t.

Some reports say that it is about 150 men who rule the world. They control money flow, stocks and most important assets. These men behind the curtain have often been referred to as the super class who are all united in their world mission, and no one really know what that is. Family’s such as the Rockefeller family, a banking family that owns one of the world’s largest fortunes, have often been criticised for being overly influential in American politics. David Rockefeller said “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” In this interview David basically admits to being part of some sort of super group ruling the politics and economics of the world. This leads you to wonder who else is involved in this group and just hasn’t broken the mole to come forward and talk about it.

As I have be researching this subject there really isn’t a lot of information on it. I started by just looking for a list of names about who could be in this group. I could barely find anything, for obvious reasons. The people in the clan have so much money, power and connections that they can keep their identities and activities completely secret. It was reported that a secret meeting took place of around 50 extremely wealthy men. What happened in the meeting? No one knows. No reporters were allowed in and no one spoke a word of what happen inside.

So where does this leave us? To be honest nobody knows what’s going to happen. Maybe in 10 years we will find out who was in charge all this time.


The UK is MEANT to be leaving the EU on the 31st of January 2020. We have heard the term “We will get Brexit done by…” over the last 3 years from Mrs May and Mr Johnson. In England 54.4% (15,188,406 votes) voted for Brexit. The promise of an expanding economy and control over our boarder really won the heart of the British votes. But 3 years later we are just being our exit process.

Being only 13 when the Brexit vote was taken, I was obviously not able to vote. However I still had strong views that we should remain, being from a Europe loving family. I have ALWAYS wanted to move to a beautiful villa in the south of France or a unique apartment in an Italian city (as i’m sure many of us do). However, through out the last few years I have changed my views on the B word. I think we should leave. Not with a hard or no deal but with a deal like Norway has; access to the single market and is subject to less than 25% of the EU laws. My views are shared with many, however, even though i’m a big fan of Boris, he is not one of my ‘light leave’ supporters. Boris is backing a trade deal with the EU, workers rights protection, a clause on child refugees (allowing then to come to Britain from the EU) and much more.

Now to the main point! Should Big Ben bong on the 31st of January when we leave the EU? The bells would cost 500,000 pounds (for 11 bongs) apparently due to the fact it is being refurbished at the mo. The Labour MP David Lammy said that it’s a “huge amount of money to waste on jingoism”. Many people would disagree (51.9% of Brits that voted for Brexit probably). A “gofundme” website has raised over 270,000 quid for the Big Ben bongs, they need £320,000 for the bells to go ahead. Pro remainers would be outraged if the bells being rang (obvs) and are moaning once again about this issue, along with many others. Many people argue that London voted to stay in the EU and that Big Ben is located in London. However, being from up north I would totally disagree. London is the capital city, not just the capital of the south. Britain, as a nation, voted to leave the EU and we need to respect that. On the contrary I think we should respect the EU as our friends rather than sticking two fingers up to them and what they stand for. We can all still love Europe without loving the EU so we shouldn’t burn our bridges to fast.

In my amateur opinion I think that if crowd funding can raise enough for the bells to go ahead then why not? They get rang every New Year and cost is never an issue so why should this historic event be such a massive one?

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